Errant PDF

Errant PDF


Errant is a rules-light, procedure heavy RPG in the vein of the first few editions of that role-playing game and its many imitators and descendants such as Knave, Into the Odd, and The Black Hack. It is freely compatible with material for all those games as well as the newest edition of that role-playing game, with conversion guides provided within.

Errant is designed to with the following principles in mind:

  • Keep it Simple, Stupid
    No math above a 2nd grade level necessary.

  • Cut to the Chase
    The procedures in Errant are designed to create a gameplay experience in which the smallest possible time between meaningful decisions is maintained.

  • Active, not Passive
    To that end, player abilities are designed around the player making active choices, not receiving passive bonuses. Even using armour to defend is a choice!

  • Options, not Proscriptions
    All rules and procedures in Errant are intended as guidance, to provide a toolbox for play. Rules are written to be open-ended, extendable, and use natural language wherever possible. We trust you to make good decisions.

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